Buy 1/4 Oz Gold Eagle Coins

1/4 Oz American Gold Eagle Coin, Old Style (Dates Our Choice)

The U.S. Mint launched the American Gold Eagle coin program in 1986. At the time, few knew these US minted coins would be the world's most popular bullion product, and would be minted by the millions.

The 1/4 Oz golden Eagle, as part of that family of coins, offers the ultimate in trust, recognizable and liquidity. In other words, investors worldwide buy this coin with complete confidence it will be easy to sell and command the best possible price. You could compare the Eagle coin to Canadian Maple Leaf Gold coins, which is just as popular and is known for being a reliable and trustworthy gold coin to invest in. One of the reasons 1/4 oz gold American Eagles are popular because it is lovely. Lady Liberty adorns the obverse, holding the torch of liberty aloft in one hand and an olive branch in the other. Bald Eagles caring for their young in a nest are featured on the reverse.

The design has been lauded by many as among the beautiful ever produced.